Isnin, 30 April 2012


oleh sbb tadi aku frust gile sbb x dpt nk merapu byk2 time impromptu speech dek kerana kesuntukan masa yg diberi,,maka amat wajarlah aku berasa sangat kecewa dgn ap yg yg telah terjadi.wuwuuwuuuu namo kawan..mungkin kerana tajuk sgt menarik jadi aku sgt ingin berkata2 dgn byknye tanpa menghiraukn masa yg berlari2 anak meninggalkn diriku ini..huh menci sgt2 ~~

dgn ini utk mengubati kekecewaan yg telah menimpa diri ini,nah amik ko,bace ni!!

antara kejayaan2 yg dicapai oleh mereka yg telah mengalami kegagalan dlm hidup..pehhhhh hebakkk arhhh mungg...memey kawe respek lah ko munggg 
  1. Henry FordWhile Ford is today known for his innovative assembly line and American-made cars, he wasn't an instant success. In fact, his early businesses failed and left him broke five times before he founded the successful Ford Motor Company.
  2. R. H. Macy: Most people are familiar with this large department store chain, but Macy didn't always have it easy. Macy started seven failed business before finally hitting big with his store in New York City.
  3. F. W. WoolworthSome may not know this name today, but Woolworth was once one of the biggest names in department stores in the U.S. Before starting his own business, young Woolworth worked at a dry goods store and was not allowed to wait on customers because his boss said he lacked the sense needed to do so.
  4. Soichiro Honda: The billion-dollar business that is Honda began with a series of failures and fortunate turns of luck. Honda was turned down by Toyota Motor Corporation for a job after interviewing for a job as an engineer, leaving him jobless for quite some time. He started making scooters of his own at home, and spurred on by his neighbors, finally started his own business.
  5. Akio MoritaYou may not have heard of Morita but you've undoubtedly heard of his company, Sony. Sony's first product was a rice cooker that unfortunately didn't cook rice so much as burn it, selling less than 100 units. This first setback didn't stop Morita and his partners as they pushed forward to create a multi-billion dollar company.
  6. Bill GatesGates didn't seem like a shoe-in for success after dropping out of Harvard and starting a failed first business with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data. While this early idea didn't work, Gates' later work did, creating the global empire that is Microsoft.
  7. Harland David Sanders: Perhaps better known as Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame, Sanders had a hard time selling his chicken at first. In fact, his famous secret chicken recipe was rejected 1,009 times before a restaurant accepted it.
  8. Walt Disney: Today Disney rakes in billions from merchandise, movies and theme parks around the world, but Walt Disney himself had a bit of a rough start. He was fired by a newspaper editor because, "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas." After that, Disney started a number of businesses that didn't last too long and ended with bankruptcy and failure. He kept plugging along, however, and eventually found a recipe for success that worked.
  9. sebenarnya ade byk lagi org2 besar yg berjaya dek kerana kegagalan yg mereka alami..ok, xperlu nk formal sgt kot.
  10. aku rase sgt noob bile aku bru tahu cerita disebalik kejayaan mereka nih..kalau aku tahu awal2 aku mesti xkn give up sebyk tigapuluhratusjutabilion kali dlm ape yg aku buat .huh kesian btol aku...=..=
  11. dgn ini aku telah membuat kesimpulan bahawa utk mencapai kejayaan yg hakiki kite mestilah sggup berusaha smpai ke titisan darah terakhir dan jgn pernah berputus,majulah bangsa utk negara,ok?eh cm xde kna mgena jek..em papela.
  12. p/s:xnk bebel byk2..sbb sedey+kecewa..huuu~

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

BERSIH yg X Bpe naK BeRsIh!


ok mlm ni aku just nak bg pndapat aku ttg himpunan Bersih harini.walawehhh da mcm menteri lak rase nk bg komen2 bagai..aaahhhh xkire2..nk komen gakk..hihi.

ok jom kita mulakan ,,pada pndapat aku la kan,,aku x rase perhimpunan ni berjaya,,dr pemerhatian aku,kepala otak aku  ckp mcm ni.~~>wei ogak2la korang nak wat perhimpunan pown,tapi jgnla nk menyusohkn org ramei!!,,ko ingt malaysia ko sorg yg punyer?ko sorg la yek dok mesia ni?bnda2 jadah haram ni cpt lak ko nak ikut yek,bnda baekk xnk lak ko ikut..nk tunjuk hero la konon..puihh..ko ingt dgn buat cara cmni,BERJAYA sgt la??bersih sgt la ni bnda yg ko nk wat ni??.seriously aku x leh terima keganasan yg korg ciptakn ni.

da la wat taik,pastu ko nak salahkn polis yek ckp polis bertindak ganahh..puihh sekali lagi mang @#$% la .warning! #mencarut adalah diharamkn#..wehh meh sini aku nk bgtaw sikit,kalo korg x bertindak ganas dulu,xde maknenya polis ue nk wat bnda x bek at kat ko,dorg pon ade rule la!! mane ley nk cederakn org suke2 hati,,agi satu mang tu keje dorg kn?budak2  darjah 1 pon taw tugas polis,ke ko dah lupe ape tugas polis?meh aku ingtkn ea..tugas polis menjaga KEAMANAN negara dgn org2 mcm ko ni lah yg x ley nak pikir pnjg2...

 aku kecewa sgtla dgn perhimpunan ni.da la gagal.x mampu nk perjuangkn ape2 pastu siap menghuru harakn negara..memalukan,,cukup memalukan..hormat la sikit undang2 mesia nih weh..

xkesahla spe yg betol or spe yg salah dlm hal ni kan,,tapi plsla,,be rational la sikit..xkn kite nk tunjuk perangai cmni at generasi mase dpn??da siap bwk anak bagai..pehhh bnda cmni ke kite nk tunjuk at anak2 kite??come on rational la sikit.. anyway aku nk bgtaw yg aku x sokong spe2 dlm hal ni k.aku cume ckap ape yg ak nk ckp je k.lgipon ni kn blog aku..suke ati aku la kn nk tulis pe pown..kesah lak kau??ok la tamat.

p/s: settel cara elok la der,,ok??

Rabu, 25 April 2012

headerku bukn headermu!

yess...akhirnye,akhirnye akhirnye(perlu ke ulg byk kali??),,dpt jugak aku puaskn hati aku nk wat  header aku sendiri .wahahahaha bahagia sgt rase ..da lame kot nk try wat sendiri header kt blog.bru skrg dpt buat..fuhhh..dsbbkn ni first attemp aku,maka amik ko nk dkt 5,6 kali jgk la aku asyik tukar.leceh gak ar tp epi sbb aku yg buat sndiri kn xksahla yg pntg aku bangga dgn diriku sndiri.hahahahaha tp masalhnye skrg ni,,ape jadahnye aku wat header time2 aku nk ade test ni??aku ni dah knp??buku x sentuh,blog plk yg aku sntuh..adehh matila..nk jwb pe ni?aku sptutnye bace buku bkn berblogging,, la mslhnye klw da addicted to blog,,xly nk wat ape la kan,..kla2 xnk buang mase yg x bpe nk ade nih.nk bukak buku lak.sok nk jwb dgn baik soalan ob..alamak aku bru ingt keje2 aku bersepah minggu ni n next ha amik ko,suke sgt tgguh2 kn,,padan muke,,.ni ha keje ko,telan la ko suriatie asmida:

-bace buku ob
-siapkn assgmnt hrp
-impromptu speech
-cari journal oc
-siapkn assgmnt ob
-assgmt tna( find place 4 visit)
-video oc jgn lupe

peh3,,mamposla aku cmnie..keje bersepah pon aku rase cm ade lg yg tertggal.adehh abisla aku..hurm da la xnk buang mase agi.ti aku dtg ag ye blog.sekian je,chow~

pesanan utk semua,jgn lupe membajet cute didlm library k?ohayooo~

Selasa, 24 April 2012


aku ingt nk tulis pnjg lebar mlm ni memandangkn sok aku x de kelas sgt kn..tapi aku mals la pulak..hadoii aku bnci perasaan cmni sbnarnye..nak tapi malas..arghhhh da la esok je la aku tulis pnjg2 ae..xde mood lak tetibe..bai
                                             gmbar ni comel kn?suke sgtt


aku suke pic ni wlpn muke aku cm terpakse je senyum..wahahaha

Jumaat, 20 April 2012